Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Whew!!  1st round of chemo is done, but as the doctor explained to Teri - it's going to get worse for the next week or so before it gets better.  This is because the chemo hasn't had a chance to work to "full capacity".....even though she has had all of the doses (in this round), it's just beginning to work.  For these reasons - Michalla will feel worse for the next week or so and then will hopefully round the corner and start to have some better days.

As many of you may be aware - Michalla's 4 siblings were tested just under 2 weeks ago to see if they were a possible bone marrow match.  Teri wanted to let everyone know that the bone marrow results came back and NONE of Michalla's siblings were a match.  When you initially hear that - you may become discouraged - but don't be:).  At this point, because of a gene that she doesn't carry in combination with a very rare chromosone mutation - the doctors claim that she has "hit the jackpot" and at this point will not have to have a bone marrow transplant or radiation treatment.  (See post on August 18th for more information).

We're all praying for you Michalla and hope that you can start to have some better days.  We love you!!

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